Common Information Assurance Course
Join Common Information Assurance Course designed to equip government organizations employees with the essential skills needed to protect themselves and information within an organization from cyber threats and develop cybersecurity hygiene patterns
Course overview
This course covers principles and practices of basic information assurance, account protection, incident response, legacy environment security and common vulnerabilities. Basic cyber-security practices with built-in Windows tools will be provided as practical part to establish the common level of personal and organizational protection
Who is this program for
Government organization employees who has or may not have extensive IT expertise, but handles or has access to confidential, financial, personal or other critical data. This could include individuals in managerial roles or staff involved in operational processes. They may not be familiar with the technicalities of cybersecurity but understand the need to protect information and being safeguarded against cyber threats and breaches. Ideally, the persons who are motivated to improve their operations and understanding of the common information protection practices
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