CDTO Campus News Digest

Activepreparation of the digital transformation leaders is in progress. In June, theeducational GovTech space has been opened, at which offline days within theframework of the project are going to take place now; the selection of studentsto undergo the leadership program has finished, etc.

The CDTO Campus continues the active training of digital transformation leaders of Ukraine. Within the last month, many events that both the students and the project team had been waiting for, has taken place:

— Opening of the CDTO Campus educational space

The presentation of the premises where the offline studies are going to take place now, has taken place. During the event, the team of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the CDTO Campus has told about the first results of the project, the next goals and the new educational program for digital leaders of communities.

Also, the participants of the Creating the Digital Future leadership program, one of the modules of which is going to take place at McCourt School of Public Policy under Georgetown University in Washington, the USA, have been announced.

— Beginning of the second group of the Digital Transformation in Public Administration program

The studies of the second group of the long-term program have begun. 34 students determined to become the drivers of digital changes have joined the course.

— Halfway point of the Leadership Programme for Women Involved in Digitalisation of Public Services

The participants of the program have listened to 14 webinars on management of major digital projects, have participated in online meetings with influential female leaders in the area of digitalization and have attended the offline training session on leadership in Kyiv.

— Two lectures have taken place within the framework of the open educational sessions

On the methodics of digital project management from Iryna Zabolotna, the head of the Diia implementation team.

On continuous communication technologies from Yuriy Matsyk, the Director of the Directorate of Broadband Infrastructure Development of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

Lecture notes are available on the social media pages of the CDTO Campus.

— Design thinking workshop from the Stanford professors

The first part of the design thinking workshop has taken place, during which the participants have learned how the design skills help creatively and innovatively stand against the challenges of uncertainty. Soon, the second part of the workshop dedicated to design thinking in teamwork is going to take place.

See more news on the social media pages of the CDTO Campus.

CDTOCampus is implemented by the East Europe Foundation, funded by Visa Foundation,the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ),and supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)GmbH in cooperation with the Digitality GovTech Center of Excellence, under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.