Mykhailo Fedorov about the country's digital future and the educational GovTech project CDTO Campus

During the presentation of CDTO Campus, participants and guests of the event could hear the speech of the Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technologies — Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

Under his leadership, the Ministry of Digital Transformation's team is creating the most user-friendly digital state in the world, as well as a secure and barrier-free digital space for Ukrainians. To achieve this goal, many projects have already been implemented:

  • Digitalization of government services through Diia;
  • Combating corruption using technology and innovation;
  • Enhancing digital literacy among the population;
  • Developing the digital economy and IT;
  • Internet coverage in the furthest corners of Ukraine.

In the introduction of the CDTO Campus, Mykhailo spoke about Ukraine being one of the first countries that implemented the position of Chief Digital Transformation Officer (CDTO) at the national, regional, and local levels. Currently, 55 experts are working who are well-versed in the processes of government administration digitalization. The country needs more such drivers. Therefore, the Ministry of Digital Transformation is launching an innovative GovTech project that will be a birthplace for progressive digital leaders capable of quickly responding to modern changes and making important decisions.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation has an ambitious goal: to train 1500 CDTOs. With the support of donors and partners, over 200 experts will undergo free training in the first year of the project's existence. In 2-3 years, the project will be able to host foreign specialists and share Ukrainian experience and GovTech solutions with the world.

Stay tuned for news of the CDTO Campus development on social media and the official website,