Short-term program «EU4DigitalUA: Personal Data Protection» has come to an end

Students of the course listened to lecturesby leading experts from the Spanish National Data Protection Agency (AEPD) onthe protection of personal data in the context of digital technologies, in linewith the GDPR criteria.

The CDTO Campus team congratulates the students and lecturers of «EU4DigitalUA: Personal Data Protection» on the completion of the program.

During the two-month course, the current CDTOs explored ways to solvethe problems of the digital environment related to the use of personalinformation:

  • data anonymization and pseudonymization methods;
  • privacy in the development of IT products;
  • challenges in the IoT ecosystem and the impact of 5G deployment;
  • ethics and risks of using artificial intelligence and biometric tools.

Twenty-twostudents joined the program.

The CDTOCampus team is grateful to its partners, FIIAPP and EU4DigitalUA, for theirsupport in the implementation of the Personal Data Protection program, and tothe experts from the Spanish National Data Protection Agency (AEPD) for theircontribution to the education of future leaders of Ukraine's digitaltransformation.

The program was developed by the International andIbero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP) withthe financial support of EU4DigitalUA.