The Open Lecture onProject Management Has Taken Place

The students and guests of the CDTO Campushave learned about the methodologies of project management and platforms forwork management from Iryna Zabolotna, the Head of the Diia implementation team.

On June 05, the open lecture from Iryna Zabolotna, the Head of the Diiaimplementation team, on the following topic has taken place: Methodologies of Project Management and Platforms for Work Management: What to Choose and How to Come Up with the Decision?

Not onlythe program participants, but everyone interested in digital transformation and digital project management has joined the lecture.

During her report, Iryna has told about:

  • the most widespread management methodologies (Scrum, Waterfall and Kanban);
  • the examples of successful useof each of them and their advantages and disadvantages;
  • the management platforms (CRM,Worksection and Asana);
  • how to select and set the onethat is going to satisfy the requirements of the project in the best way.

Would you like to learn more about the lecture? Go tothe social media pages of the CDTO Campus.

CDTO Campus is implemented by the East EuropeFoundation, funded by Visa Foundation, the Federal Ministry for EconomicCooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ), and supported by DeutscheGesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation withthe Digitality GovTech Center of Excellence, under the auspices of the Ministryof Digital Transformation of Ukraine.